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customlinux [2022/06/14 09:46] – created admincustomlinux [2024/04/25 07:10] (current) – [Using the SDK] tflynn
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 +====Build System====
 +RWT uses the [[|Openembedd]]/[[|Yocto]] build system to develop a custom Linux distribution for each radio and specific mission application.  Each radio is shipped with a microSD card with a pre-installed Linux operating system.  The custom Linux distribution distributed with RWT SDRs is a development environment suitable for a non internet connected test and development device.  Rebuilding the distribution for a final product is highly recommended.  This would include removing any extra packages,adding in common security settings like a root password, proper user creation, limiting debugfs access etc is strongly recommended. 
 ====Getting Started with OpenEmbedded/Yocto==== ====Getting Started with OpenEmbedded/Yocto====
-For new users this is an advanced topic.  RWT strongly recommends reading through the documentation provided by the [[|Yocto Project]] .  This wiki is not a detailed explanation of how to use OpenEmbedded/Yocto, it will provide examples +For new users this is an advanced topic.  RWT strongly recommends reading through the documentation provided by the [[|Yocto Project]] .  This wiki is not a detailed explanation of how to use OpenEmbedded/Yocto, the existing documentation is extensive. 
 ====Using the SDK ===== ====Using the SDK =====
 +RWT plans to provide an SDK in the near future which will allow code development without building a full image and SDK.  
 ====Building Complete Custom Images==== ====Building Complete Custom Images====
 +Currently RWT uses the kirkstone release of Openembedded/Yocto for development of the custom Linux distribution. All modified recipes that RWT uses are in the RWT [[|github repository]]. 
 + The starting point for the RWT Oxygen Development SDR is the [[|build-oxygen]] repository, it contains git sub-modules to the correct version of the repositories to start building from.  There is a Readme with basic instructions on how to get started.
 +For the Carbon SDR with a FPGA larger than the ZCU3EG the starting point is the repository [[|carbon-build]], it contains git sub-modules to the correct version of the repositories to start building from.. There is a Readme with basic instructions on how to get started. 
customlinux.1655217997.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/14 09:46 by admin