Table of Contents

Provided Examples

There are a few examples provided in the /home/root/examples directory.

Simple RX Text

FM Radio with sound sent to the host computer

This example requires GNU Radio to be installed on the host computer as well as the RWT Oxygen. Also an antenna with coverage for FM radio stations connected to antenna port RX1. Also a location with good FM Radio reception is required. There is a missing file in the original sdcard provided with Oxygen, the host based file. The file is rwt_fm_radio_host.grc

To use the example:

on the host

  'ssh -X root@'

on Oxygen start gnuradio-companion (GRC)

  root@oxygen:~# gnuradio-companion

open the file rwt_fm_radio.grc from gnuradio_companion

on the host computer you will need to start GRC and then open the file rwt_fm_radio_host.grc

press the start arrow within GRC for both files

ADSB Receiver

This example is built on the example from the OOT module gr-adsb, but is configured to use the gr-rwt source block. To use the example an antenna which covers the frequency band around 1.09GHz is required to be connected to antenna RX1